Why Does Cilantro Sometimes Taste Like Soap?

Genetic Sensitivity – Some people have a variation in the OR6A2 gene, which makes them sensitive to aldehydes, compounds found in both cilantro and soap.

Aldehyde Compounds in Cilantro – Cilantro contains natural aldehydes, similar to those used in soaps and perfumes, triggering the soapy taste.

Cultural & Dietary Exposure – Regular exposure to cilantro in cuisine can help people adapt to its flavor over time, reducing the soapy perception.

Fresh vs. Processed Cilantro – Crushing or chopping cilantro releases enzymes that can break down aldehydes, making the flavor milder.

Taste Bud Sensitivity – People with a heightened sense of taste (super-tasters) are more likely to detect bitter or soapy notes in foods.

Possible Desensitization – Gradually incorporating cilantro into meals may help train your taste buds to accept or even enjoy the flavor.


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