Steps to Get a Komodo Dragon as a Pet in BitLife

Create a New Life: Start a fresh life in BitLife, ensuring you can make choices related to pet adoption.

Reach Adulthood: You must be 18 years or older in BitLife to adopt a pet, so age up until adulthood.

Navigate to Pet Adoption: Go to the "Activities" tab and select the "Adopt Pet" option.

Select Exotic Pet Adoption: Under pet adoption, search for exotic pets like the Komodo Dragon. –


Meet Financial and Legal Requirements: Ensure you have enough money in the game and live in a country that allows exotic pet adoption.

Adopt the Komodo Dragon: If the option is available, adopt the Komodo Dragon and add it to your pets. –

Care for the Komodo Dragon: Once adopted, take care of the Komodo Dragon like any other pet, fulfilling its needs in the game.

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