Brown Recluse Spider 🕸️ Known for its distinctive violin-shaped marking, the brown recluse can cause severe skin necrosis and systemic reactions. It typically lives in dark, undisturbed areas like basements and closets.
Black Widow Spider 🖤 With its shiny black body and red hourglass marking, the black widow is notorious for its venom, which can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, and even death if untreated.
Yellow Sac Spider 💛 This aggressive spider can bite if threatened, injecting venom that may cause swelling, pain, and even necrosis. It’s often found in homes, gardens, and forests.
Brown Widow Spider 🤎 Similar to the black widow but less aggressive, the brown widow has venom that can cause nausea, muscle pain, and severe cramping. Its bite is typically less potent than its cousin’s.
Hobo Spider 🏚️ Found in the Pacific Northwest, the hobo spider's bite can lead to a condition called necrotic arachnidism, causing tissue damage and lesions. It prefers to live in dark, damp places.
Tarantula 🕷️ Though tarantulas are generally not aggressive, some species, like the Texas brown tarantula, have venom that can cause pain and swelling in their bite. They are larger but less dangerous than most other spiders.
Wolf Spider 🐺 Wolf spiders are fast-moving and can deliver painful bites. Though their venom is not deadly, it can cause significant discomfort, including swelling, redness, and mild fever.