7 "Polite" Online Dating Messages That Are Actually Offensive

"You’re pretty for someone [insert race/ethnicity]" – While this may seem like a compliment, it implies that your appearance is an exception based on your background.

"You don’t look like your age!" – This can make someone feel as if their age is something they should apologize for or hide.

"Are you sure you're really into me?" – This suggests doubt or insecurity and can make the other person feel like they're not being taken seriously.

"I don't usually go for [insert body type]" – This can come across as rude and dismissive of their appearance, making them feel judged or not good enough.

"You seem nice, but I'm just looking for something casual" – While it’s good to be upfront, framing it like this can be dismissive of the other person's feelings or intentions.


"Do you have any photos without filters?" – This can be perceived as questioning their authenticity or implying that their natural look isn’t good enough.

"I hope you’re not like all the other [insert stereotype]" – This message plays into harmful stereotypes and can be offensive, even if unintentional.

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