7 effective ways to stop cats from using your garden as a toilet

Use Citrus Peels – Scatter orange or lemon peels around your garden; cats dislike the smell.

Install Motion-Activated Sprinklers – These surprise cats with a harmless burst of water, discouraging them from returning.

Lay Down Chicken Wire or Sharp Mulch – Cats dislike walking on rough surfaces like chicken wire, pine cones, or crushed eggshells.

Plant Cat-Repellent Herbs – Grow plants like lavender, rosemary, or coleus canina ("Scaredy Cat Plant") to deter them.


Use Coffee Grounds or Vinegar – Sprinkle these strong-smelling substances around your garden to repel cats naturally.

Provide an Alternative Spot – Set up a sand or dirt area elsewhere in your yard to attract them away from your garden.

Install Garden Fencing – Use small, flexible fencing or netting to block cats from entering certain areas.

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