They Have Incredible Memories – Hummingbirds can remember every flower they’ve visited and when it will refill with nectar.
Their Hearts Beat Over 1,200 Times Per Minute – At rest, their heart rate slows down, but during flight, it skyrockets.
They Can Fly Backward – Unlike most birds, hummingbirds have unique wing structures that allow them to hover and fly in any direction.
They Migrate Thousands of Miles – Some species, like the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, travel over 2,000 miles during migration, including a non-stop 500-mile flight over the Gulf of Mexico.
They Eat Constantly – To fuel their high-energy lifestyle, they consume half their body weight in nectar and insects every day.
Their Feathers Aren’t Actually Colored – Their bright, iridescent colors come from light refraction, not pigments in their feathers.