Siamese Known for their vocal nature and sleek appearance, Siamese cats often live up to 15–20 years with proper care.
Burmese Affectionate and playful, Burmese cats have a lifespan of 18–25 years, making them one of the longest-living breeds.
Ragdoll These gentle giants, known for their floppy nature, commonly live for 15–20 years when kept healthy and active.
Maine Coon This large, lovable breed typically enjoys a lifespan of 12–15 years, sometimes reaching up to 20 with excellent care.
Russian Blue Renowned for their luxurious blue-gray coat and shy demeanor, Russian Blues often live for 15–20 years.
Persian Persians can live up to 15–20 years if provided with regular grooming and proper veterinary attention for potential health issues.
American Shorthair This hardy and adaptable breed boasts a lifespan of 15–20 years, thriving in a variety of living environments.