14 states that will pay you to move there

Oklahoma: $10,000 to Work in Rural Areas Oklahoma’s "Rural Economic Action Plan" gives a $10,000 incentive to people who relocate to one of its rural areas and take a full-time job.

Alaska: PFD (Permanent Fund Dividend) Alaska has a unique way of paying residents: the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). Every year, Alaskans receive a cash payout from the state’s oil revenues.

Vermont: $10,000 for Remote Workers Vermont’s "Remote Worker Grant Program" offers up to $10,000 for eligible remote workers who move to the state. The money can be used for relocation expenses, including home office equipment, broadband installation, and other related costs.

Kansas: $15,000 for Remote Workers Kansas offers a "Remote Worker Pilot Program" where eligible remote workers can receive up to $15,000 in reimbursement for moving expenses, including internet fees and relocation costs.


West Virginia: $12,000 for Remote Workers West Virginia provides up to $12,000 in cash incentives for remote workers willing to relocate there.

Tulsa, Oklahoma: $10,000 for New Residents Tulsa, Oklahoma, offers a program called "Tulsa Remote," where remote workers can receive $10,000 just for moving to the city.

Mississippi: $6,000 for Moving Expenses Mississippi offers a "Statewide Rural Recruitment Program" where residents moving to rural areas can receive up to $6,000 for moving expenses.

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