11 Strong Scents That Draw Coyotes To Your Yard

Pet Food The smell of pet food, especially if left outside, can easily attract coyotes. Coyotes are opportunistic feeders and are drawn to the scent of easy food sources.

Meat or Fish The scent of raw meat, fish, or leftovers from a barbecue can be irresistible to coyotes. They have a keen sense of smell and will follow strong meat odors for miles.

Garbage or Compost Coyotes often scavenge through trash cans or compost bins in search of food. Strong odors from food scraps, especially those with a high protein content, can lure coyotes to your yard.

Animal Feces The scent of animal feces, especially from small mammals like rabbits or rodents, can attract coyotes, who may see this as a sign of potential prey or a nearby food source.


Deer Urine Coyotes often track the scent of deer to hunt or mark territory. If you live in an area where deer are common, using deer urine as a repellant may attract coyotes, as they are curious about these familiar scents.

Wild Fruits or Berries Fruits or berries that have fallen from trees and have begun to ferment can attract coyotes. The sweet, fruity smell may signal food, drawing them closer to your yard.

Scent of Other Pets If there are other pets in your yard, their scent may draw coyotes who are curious about potential competition or predators in the area.

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